FOR CHRISTIANS ONLY: When I believe in evolution as a Christian this is what I am saying:
1.. The Bible is not infallible and for many reasons
A. Creation days, though specifically spelled out each day, is wrong and doesn't mean 24 hours. Don't take a quote from one context and misuse it and take it out of context by using it for another context. Things must be used in proper context in the original language.
B. The story of Adam and Eve is a lie since they were not created by God that way but by evolution. God said let US, meaning the TRINITY create man(kind) after OUR OWN IMAGE! Woman wasn't created from Adam's rib and God didn't breath into man our immortal soul. God lied when He said it (meaning creation) was very good (see vs 31 after He finished it in two ways. One, it wasn't finished as evolution is never finished. Two, it wasn't very good. Evolution uses death, random trial and error and is An incredibly ineffective way of creating As a non-evolution Christian, then God is God He can create what He wants as He wants it instantly just by speaking it into existence. A non-evolutionary God does not need evolution for creation. Plus He lied when Bible said He walked with them in the Garden of Eden. That whole story of the fall of man is a lie period. So how did man and woman evolve odds wise in this whole world next to each other so they could mate? Evolution uses death. The Bible says Cain killing Able was the first death. So an both can't be right. A God of Love would use an evolutionary method of continual death to lead to creation of man? Really? Why?
1. Have you noticed the order of Biblical creation and the order of evolutionary creation is not the same. See link.
C. The fall of man and sin didn't occur the way of the Bible in the Garden of Eden. So the story of Adam & Eve is a lie. Therefore the fall of man and sin Biblically is a lie. So when during the evolutionary process did sin enter the picture? Only God would know when sin entered in (during the evolutionary process). Evolution makes no allowance for sin and the fall of man. It is atheistic naturalistic humanism. So what or when is it man needs Jesus to pay for mankinds sins if evolution is true?
D. Otherwise, due to man evolving, there is no need for Jesus as the fall of man is wrong and sin didn't happen that way. So Jesus the SECOND ADAM is not necessary and a lie despite what the Bible and Christian theology teaches.
E. When does the Bible regain its truthfulness if it loses it at the beginning? How do you know? When and what do you base the Bible that it picks up as being true again? What parts are true and not? How can you know Jesus is true if you dismiss Him as creator God and Genesis? Heck, Once you have dismissed the Bible at the start, how can you know any of the rest is true? What basis do you have for suddenly saying at this point it is now true? Do you dismiss the OT and only believe in the NT? If you do that then you have dismissed the fall of man and the need for Jesus and his need to die on the cross and death burial and resurrection etc. Heaven and Hell a lie too? Despite how much Jesus talked about Hell himself as true. I wouldn't know what to believe and what not to believe once you dismiss the first as false. How do you? Please explain how you do.
F. I've seen Christians on here question and/or say stories in the OT as being myths. Which ones are true and false? How do you know which are which? Do they include the ones Jesus talked about as true himself? Do you even know which ones those are?
G. Does it include the Global Flood and the story of Noah? Why or why not? Have you ever even studied the science validating proof of a global flood? If not why not? So on what basis did you decide it was or wasn't true? What research did you truly do about it? Did you ever check Christian scientist? If not why not? You choose to believe Atheistic scientist over Christian scientist with great credentials? Why? What about those evolutionary scientist that became creationist scientist due to the science? You still refuse to read any of their info too? Why? Again, you choose atheistic naturalistic humanistic scientist that do have that agenda over Christian scientist? Their opinion is honest unbiased just science opinion despite all the quotes I personally have given exposing just the opposite. Interesting you still choose atheist first. Why? You think as a Christian that is a good defendable wise choice? How and why? So Christians should read atheistic material over Christian material when researching for answers? That is what you are saying by your actions?
I'm asking and presenting this to fellow Christians for a reason. Can you believe in evolution and be a Christian? Yes. Can you do so and be a deep mature growing one? I don't think so and I am showing you that because once you combine those two together there are ramifications that come with it. As a caring Christian. I don't think most of you have ever even realized or thought of the ramifications of trying to combine the two. In actuality they just don't mix and can't mix. They are so opposite one another it is like trying to mix oil and water. Can atheism and Christianity mix?
I am more than happy to have a theological discussion about this. But I want it made by points and Bible verses etc. I don't want others opinions. Links are fine along with you points defending your opinion. You need to know the Bible well enough on your own Bible study and or science study to do this yourself. God calls us to do that when the Bible says we are to study to show ourselves approved. We are called to be able to defend our faith apologetically. So I want clean discussion without personal attacks. I have not attacked anyone here. I have just laid out ramifications of what one believes as I see it Biblically when you combine the two. If you don't agree then fine. Tell me why and explain it.
Forfeit and LV and others like you are not welcome to give your atheistic tiraids on here. We know how you feel and what you do and don't believe about this. This discussion is NOT FOR YOU.
Order of events in creation
1.. The Bible is not infallible and for many reasons
A. Creation days, though specifically spelled out each day, is wrong and doesn't mean 24 hours. Don't take a quote from one context and misuse it and take it out of context by using it for another context. Things must be used in proper context in the original language.
B. The story of Adam and Eve is a lie since they were not created by God that way but by evolution. God said let US, meaning the TRINITY create man(kind) after OUR OWN IMAGE! Woman wasn't created from Adam's rib and God didn't breath into man our immortal soul. God lied when He said it (meaning creation) was very good (see vs 31 after He finished it in two ways. One, it wasn't finished as evolution is never finished. Two, it wasn't very good. Evolution uses death, random trial and error and is An incredibly ineffective way of creating As a non-evolution Christian, then God is God He can create what He wants as He wants it instantly just by speaking it into existence. A non-evolutionary God does not need evolution for creation. Plus He lied when Bible said He walked with them in the Garden of Eden. That whole story of the fall of man is a lie period. So how did man and woman evolve odds wise in this whole world next to each other so they could mate? Evolution uses death. The Bible says Cain killing Able was the first death. So an both can't be right. A God of Love would use an evolutionary method of continual death to lead to creation of man? Really? Why?
1. Have you noticed the order of Biblical creation and the order of evolutionary creation is not the same. See link.
C. The fall of man and sin didn't occur the way of the Bible in the Garden of Eden. So the story of Adam & Eve is a lie. Therefore the fall of man and sin Biblically is a lie. So when during the evolutionary process did sin enter the picture? Only God would know when sin entered in (during the evolutionary process). Evolution makes no allowance for sin and the fall of man. It is atheistic naturalistic humanism. So what or when is it man needs Jesus to pay for mankinds sins if evolution is true?
D. Otherwise, due to man evolving, there is no need for Jesus as the fall of man is wrong and sin didn't happen that way. So Jesus the SECOND ADAM is not necessary and a lie despite what the Bible and Christian theology teaches.
E. When does the Bible regain its truthfulness if it loses it at the beginning? How do you know? When and what do you base the Bible that it picks up as being true again? What parts are true and not? How can you know Jesus is true if you dismiss Him as creator God and Genesis? Heck, Once you have dismissed the Bible at the start, how can you know any of the rest is true? What basis do you have for suddenly saying at this point it is now true? Do you dismiss the OT and only believe in the NT? If you do that then you have dismissed the fall of man and the need for Jesus and his need to die on the cross and death burial and resurrection etc. Heaven and Hell a lie too? Despite how much Jesus talked about Hell himself as true. I wouldn't know what to believe and what not to believe once you dismiss the first as false. How do you? Please explain how you do.
F. I've seen Christians on here question and/or say stories in the OT as being myths. Which ones are true and false? How do you know which are which? Do they include the ones Jesus talked about as true himself? Do you even know which ones those are?
G. Does it include the Global Flood and the story of Noah? Why or why not? Have you ever even studied the science validating proof of a global flood? If not why not? So on what basis did you decide it was or wasn't true? What research did you truly do about it? Did you ever check Christian scientist? If not why not? You choose to believe Atheistic scientist over Christian scientist with great credentials? Why? What about those evolutionary scientist that became creationist scientist due to the science? You still refuse to read any of their info too? Why? Again, you choose atheistic naturalistic humanistic scientist that do have that agenda over Christian scientist? Their opinion is honest unbiased just science opinion despite all the quotes I personally have given exposing just the opposite. Interesting you still choose atheist first. Why? You think as a Christian that is a good defendable wise choice? How and why? So Christians should read atheistic material over Christian material when researching for answers? That is what you are saying by your actions?
I'm asking and presenting this to fellow Christians for a reason. Can you believe in evolution and be a Christian? Yes. Can you do so and be a deep mature growing one? I don't think so and I am showing you that because once you combine those two together there are ramifications that come with it. As a caring Christian. I don't think most of you have ever even realized or thought of the ramifications of trying to combine the two. In actuality they just don't mix and can't mix. They are so opposite one another it is like trying to mix oil and water. Can atheism and Christianity mix?
I am more than happy to have a theological discussion about this. But I want it made by points and Bible verses etc. I don't want others opinions. Links are fine along with you points defending your opinion. You need to know the Bible well enough on your own Bible study and or science study to do this yourself. God calls us to do that when the Bible says we are to study to show ourselves approved. We are called to be able to defend our faith apologetically. So I want clean discussion without personal attacks. I have not attacked anyone here. I have just laid out ramifications of what one believes as I see it Biblically when you combine the two. If you don't agree then fine. Tell me why and explain it.
Forfeit and LV and others like you are not welcome to give your atheistic tiraids on here. We know how you feel and what you do and don't believe about this. This discussion is NOT FOR YOU.
Order of events in creation