I am tired of all of this as I am sure you are. Until you can answer with examples to disprove my premise that disproves evolution. Which then would make me take notice and realize I might be wrong. Which I have given you time and time again to do and you have proven you can't. So therefore you won't change my mind until you can.
I gave you an example of why natural selection of fittest going through the unfittest stages until it has reached the next fittest stage presents problems all of its own. Due to its going against evolutions own theory. Making it very very problematic which you couldn't answer either and did your usual attack mode reply without science answers.
For review is this since I doubt you remember. Evolution is based on survival of the fittest and adaptation using trial and error or whatever symantics you choose as the term for the stages of adaptations until it reaches the next fittest stage of the next higher order species. Here is your problem. I will use the Finches as the example. We are never told what they became but they are an example. But in actuality all they show is adaptation to environment which is already programmed in the DNA to help them survive and it never added info. But here is the problem. As the beak size changed it was now fittest and needed no more changes as it was now fittest. It has shown the ability to adapt and change back and forth due to environment as needed. Yet we never have been told or found out the higher order species it evolved to.
Now here is the problem. For it to do that it had to have a need to right? But where was the need? It survived by changing beak size to become fittest for survival. So it didn't need to become a higher order species for survival. So what kicked in to make it need to evolve or change through whatever and how many stages it took to get to whatever higher order species it became which we don't know what that is. So we don't have any idea of what stages or the no. of stages it would take and or the forms it took to get wherever that is. Which we don't know.
But moving on. Each stage as it moved it was moving on as unfittest continually until it reached its final destination of its higher order species. Yet through all those stages it was fighting evolutions own mechanism of survival of the fittest and natural selection working against it since it was unfit each and every step until it reach its higher order species. God knows how many and how difficult the no and amount each step took. Plus some efforts would and wouldn't work so it was working against itself in that way too since it had no thinking brain to help it out through the process. To whatever it became.
you do realize this same problem exists for each and every evolved animal and plant species group. So it is working against itself and evolutions framework to even make it to the next higher order species and we don't know not one lower to higher order we started and ended up with and much less the stages and no of stages it took in its development.
So please explain that also or just drop it as I know you can't and until you can you will never change my mind. Your mind is so closed you won't even consider anything I say despite the problems I present in evolution much less read the science links that do have science despite your disposition it is all religion which it isn't. I don't argue religion with you. The difference is my conclusion is that only a super intelligence is capable of what we see. That is at the end.
We are going in circles and it is getting very old to me and tiresome.
So I say call a truce unless you actually can come up with answers to my premises that disprove evolution.
I am saying goodbye to this topic unless you actually try to give me an answer.
No personal attacks and just leave it as Tech brothers in sports.
I gave you an example of why natural selection of fittest going through the unfittest stages until it has reached the next fittest stage presents problems all of its own. Due to its going against evolutions own theory. Making it very very problematic which you couldn't answer either and did your usual attack mode reply without science answers.
For review is this since I doubt you remember. Evolution is based on survival of the fittest and adaptation using trial and error or whatever symantics you choose as the term for the stages of adaptations until it reaches the next fittest stage of the next higher order species. Here is your problem. I will use the Finches as the example. We are never told what they became but they are an example. But in actuality all they show is adaptation to environment which is already programmed in the DNA to help them survive and it never added info. But here is the problem. As the beak size changed it was now fittest and needed no more changes as it was now fittest. It has shown the ability to adapt and change back and forth due to environment as needed. Yet we never have been told or found out the higher order species it evolved to.
Now here is the problem. For it to do that it had to have a need to right? But where was the need? It survived by changing beak size to become fittest for survival. So it didn't need to become a higher order species for survival. So what kicked in to make it need to evolve or change through whatever and how many stages it took to get to whatever higher order species it became which we don't know what that is. So we don't have any idea of what stages or the no. of stages it would take and or the forms it took to get wherever that is. Which we don't know.
But moving on. Each stage as it moved it was moving on as unfittest continually until it reached its final destination of its higher order species. Yet through all those stages it was fighting evolutions own mechanism of survival of the fittest and natural selection working against it since it was unfit each and every step until it reach its higher order species. God knows how many and how difficult the no and amount each step took. Plus some efforts would and wouldn't work so it was working against itself in that way too since it had no thinking brain to help it out through the process. To whatever it became.
you do realize this same problem exists for each and every evolved animal and plant species group. So it is working against itself and evolutions framework to even make it to the next higher order species and we don't know not one lower to higher order we started and ended up with and much less the stages and no of stages it took in its development.
So please explain that also or just drop it as I know you can't and until you can you will never change my mind. Your mind is so closed you won't even consider anything I say despite the problems I present in evolution much less read the science links that do have science despite your disposition it is all religion which it isn't. I don't argue religion with you. The difference is my conclusion is that only a super intelligence is capable of what we see. That is at the end.
We are going in circles and it is getting very old to me and tiresome.
So I say call a truce unless you actually can come up with answers to my premises that disprove evolution.
I am saying goodbye to this topic unless you actually try to give me an answer.
No personal attacks and just leave it as Tech brothers in sports.