As I have watched right wing media circle the wagons and say the rioters were the victims and justify what they did I couldn't help but think about Kaepernick.
The rioters stormed the nation's Capital, attacked police, and desecrated the government. Right wing media, in its alternate reality, is saying they were the victims. The President cheered then on and and never once condemned them.
This same President, and this same right wing media, said Kaepernick was unpatriotic, a traitor, a hater of police, and the scum of the earth for taking a peaceful knee in protest. Trump called Kaepernick a "son of bitch" but praised the insurrection. I guess he should have tried to overthrow the government, then he would have been a patriot?
This country is so ****ed when nearly the entirety of right wing media has been reduced to a propaganda machine that attempts to justify an insurrection.
# treating everyone equally
# one America
The rioters stormed the nation's Capital, attacked police, and desecrated the government. Right wing media, in its alternate reality, is saying they were the victims. The President cheered then on and and never once condemned them.
This same President, and this same right wing media, said Kaepernick was unpatriotic, a traitor, a hater of police, and the scum of the earth for taking a peaceful knee in protest. Trump called Kaepernick a "son of bitch" but praised the insurrection. I guess he should have tried to overthrow the government, then he would have been a patriot?
This country is so ****ed when nearly the entirety of right wing media has been reduced to a propaganda machine that attempts to justify an insurrection.
# treating everyone equally
# one America