Just got in to a discussion of the caravan with my cousin, a big Trumper. He was discussing that there is probably MS13 and terrorists in the group.... per Trump's remarks. First I said that any terrosts or MS13 likely have enough funding to cross the border in a less patrolled area. The last thing they'd want is the visibility that is guaranteed with this mob. He says "nope, their going to hide out with them." I argue that this group will be monitored closely for 2 more months and met with more security than there are immigrants. The people in this group will be the most closely interrogated and studied immigrants there are. A few minutes later he says, "well, Trump won't let anyone from that group to be allowed in anyway." Then he says "Trump is right." Ugh. Such fear and anger and irrational thinking as I've ever seen over this caravan. Just a political bonanza for Trump to ratchet up the rhetoric for his base for midterms.