she is a member of the "Workers World Party". (Communist Party). young black woman majoring in Gender Studies at NC Central University who pulled down the statue "I am tired of white supremacy keeping its foot on my neck"
Thankfully she is in jail and up on federal charges. This is how we deal with these young communist
She is against "Hate Speech". like all snowflakes but they get to define what speech is hateful
All of us are to blame for this failure of a student and citizen. We have allowed our universities an schools to become infected with liberals who are teaching "gender studies". instead of history.
Thankfully she is in jail and up on federal charges. This is how we deal with these young communist
She is against "Hate Speech". like all snowflakes but they get to define what speech is hateful
All of us are to blame for this failure of a student and citizen. We have allowed our universities an schools to become infected with liberals who are teaching "gender studies". instead of history.