One of the things that I like about Trump is that he does not let the corrupt establishment get to him. I believed this is what turned out to be critical in him winning the election.
I also applaud the fact he is remaining steadfast in the methodical dismantling of the past 16 years of the destruction of the American way of life regardless of the unrelenting beating from the establishment and progressive cry baby media.
Feels good to slowly but surely have the oppressive jackboot of progressive and establishment policies being lifted off our necks. That is all and Stay the Course
I also applaud the fact he is remaining steadfast in the methodical dismantling of the past 16 years of the destruction of the American way of life regardless of the unrelenting beating from the establishment and progressive cry baby media.
Feels good to slowly but surely have the oppressive jackboot of progressive and establishment policies being lifted off our necks. That is all and Stay the Course