I'm not sure if this has been discussed on here before (probably has) but this has always intrigued me:
For a pretty decent sized and growing city with a large public university and a large cattle population within the region, why is Lubbock BBQ so disappointing as a whole?
Tom and Bingos has some really good chopped beef sandwiches, and I've heard some good things about "The Shack" (never been), but it seems like there aren't nearly as many good options in Lubbock as there are in say the Hill Country or Houston/DFW (even per capita- I know those areas are much larger).
For a pretty decent sized and growing city with a large public university and a large cattle population within the region, why is Lubbock BBQ so disappointing as a whole?
Tom and Bingos has some really good chopped beef sandwiches, and I've heard some good things about "The Shack" (never been), but it seems like there aren't nearly as many good options in Lubbock as there are in say the Hill Country or Houston/DFW (even per capita- I know those areas are much larger).