Let me start by saying a few things. Evol uses the Finch and the Moth. Yet the only changes they made were in length of the beak and color of the moth. They NEVER became a NON FINCH or NON MOTH to a higher order. They just adapted to a different environment. You can't tell me what they became? You can't tell me the steps it took nor describe each scientific step in detail like you can other proven science processes!
It is all inferred w/o proof and w/o actual demonstration as true science proof requires.
Here are a few thoughts to consider.
1). Once they made the adjustment in beak size and or color they were now fully adapted to the environment and therefore needed no further adjustment or evolution for survival!
2) Since it needed no further adjustments to survive. Any adjustments would now make it unfit for survival as it was, according to evol transform into a higher order species although it wasn't needed for survival as the adjustment took care of it.
3) To make said adjustments lets go to engineering. See an Engineer knows the end game. So they will design the individual pieces needed to get to the ultimate end game. They will keep them until all are designed and can be put together as one working unit. It is then all or none. It either will or won't work if anything is wrong.
4) Problem with Nat Sel is this. As each piece is being developed the species is UNFIT since it can't work totally yet and Nat Sel will be selecting against it the whole time until it is COMPLETE and ready to work.
5) The other problem Nat Sel has is this. It has no intelligence like an Engineer so it doesn't know the End game and know what to keep and what to discard in its trial and error phase as it will always fail until it is complete and due to Nat Sel it will be being selected against to kill it since it is UNFIT until it is completed!
6) How does it do this and know what to do w/o an Intelligent brain like an Engineer has?
7) It simply doesn't have that capability! It is working against its own survival!
8) Why you guys never think to analyze this is beyond me! Esp Engineers should know better.
9) Evol answer to all probs is that over time it will solve it. So now it is saying either Time has a brain to solve creative probs or it itself is a creative force! It is neither! All it is is a measurement device and that is all it is!
Evol teaches and insinuates so much w/o actual proof and w/o actual true science demonstration. Finches are still Finches and Moths are still Moths and they still can make those small adaptations back and forth as needed but not evolve to a higher order species. Evol can't tell you what they became or what the next step(s) are (were) etc. Much less explain why Nat Sel wouldn't kill it along the way as it was totally unfit every step of the way until it was completely finished and working!
You could use the analogy of an Engineer making a Functional machine. Same principle will apply. Difference is that the Engineer knows the End game and can keep until finished and its not living so Nat Sel isn't working against it to kill it all the time until finished! It would be like a jealous co worker working to sabotage your work until you can get it finished! They keep working to kill it until your work is finished to prove it works!
Wake up guys! Evol stands on sand, not firm foundation, and very shaky ground scientifically and with bad logic and total nonsense!
You keep trying to THINK as they have trained you to THINK and not HOW To think and critically analyze. Why you don't see through all these holes other than like my other thread and post showed. They intentionally ignore the obvious due to a belief system and not the obvious science telling them of a INTELLIGENT DESIGNER. An Intelligent Designer wouldn't use Macro Evo as it is so ineffective and doesn't work anyway!
I will link about genetic limitations they mislead you on by insuations not actual fact shown by genetics on plants and animals etc. There is a barrier that can't be crossed and if tried the mutations etc kill it or make it sterile! Either way it sure makes Evol as they want you to believe totally impossible.
As I said. They interchange terms all the time that mean different things. It confuses most people that don't know better and think they mean the mean the same but don't at all.
Micro evol is really just adaptation and that is built into the genetic original code and will go back and forth. No new info is ever added. That is what evol as Macro or to higher order requires! Mutations are deleterious and deadly and make it sterile. I will show that too on a different thread.
It is all inferred w/o proof and w/o actual demonstration as true science proof requires.
Here are a few thoughts to consider.
1). Once they made the adjustment in beak size and or color they were now fully adapted to the environment and therefore needed no further adjustment or evolution for survival!
2) Since it needed no further adjustments to survive. Any adjustments would now make it unfit for survival as it was, according to evol transform into a higher order species although it wasn't needed for survival as the adjustment took care of it.
3) To make said adjustments lets go to engineering. See an Engineer knows the end game. So they will design the individual pieces needed to get to the ultimate end game. They will keep them until all are designed and can be put together as one working unit. It is then all or none. It either will or won't work if anything is wrong.
4) Problem with Nat Sel is this. As each piece is being developed the species is UNFIT since it can't work totally yet and Nat Sel will be selecting against it the whole time until it is COMPLETE and ready to work.
5) The other problem Nat Sel has is this. It has no intelligence like an Engineer so it doesn't know the End game and know what to keep and what to discard in its trial and error phase as it will always fail until it is complete and due to Nat Sel it will be being selected against to kill it since it is UNFIT until it is completed!
6) How does it do this and know what to do w/o an Intelligent brain like an Engineer has?
7) It simply doesn't have that capability! It is working against its own survival!
8) Why you guys never think to analyze this is beyond me! Esp Engineers should know better.
9) Evol answer to all probs is that over time it will solve it. So now it is saying either Time has a brain to solve creative probs or it itself is a creative force! It is neither! All it is is a measurement device and that is all it is!
Evol teaches and insinuates so much w/o actual proof and w/o actual true science demonstration. Finches are still Finches and Moths are still Moths and they still can make those small adaptations back and forth as needed but not evolve to a higher order species. Evol can't tell you what they became or what the next step(s) are (were) etc. Much less explain why Nat Sel wouldn't kill it along the way as it was totally unfit every step of the way until it was completely finished and working!
You could use the analogy of an Engineer making a Functional machine. Same principle will apply. Difference is that the Engineer knows the End game and can keep until finished and its not living so Nat Sel isn't working against it to kill it all the time until finished! It would be like a jealous co worker working to sabotage your work until you can get it finished! They keep working to kill it until your work is finished to prove it works!
Wake up guys! Evol stands on sand, not firm foundation, and very shaky ground scientifically and with bad logic and total nonsense!
You keep trying to THINK as they have trained you to THINK and not HOW To think and critically analyze. Why you don't see through all these holes other than like my other thread and post showed. They intentionally ignore the obvious due to a belief system and not the obvious science telling them of a INTELLIGENT DESIGNER. An Intelligent Designer wouldn't use Macro Evo as it is so ineffective and doesn't work anyway!
I will link about genetic limitations they mislead you on by insuations not actual fact shown by genetics on plants and animals etc. There is a barrier that can't be crossed and if tried the mutations etc kill it or make it sterile! Either way it sure makes Evol as they want you to believe totally impossible.
As I said. They interchange terms all the time that mean different things. It confuses most people that don't know better and think they mean the mean the same but don't at all.
Micro evol is really just adaptation and that is built into the genetic original code and will go back and forth. No new info is ever added. That is what evol as Macro or to higher order requires! Mutations are deleterious and deadly and make it sterile. I will show that too on a different thread.