Here are my thoughts. Go ahead and answer them to prove to me evolution is actually possible!
If Evolution is true then prove it by answering these questions. You should be able to as you say you have proven truth on your side!
Here is a problem evolution has. It wants to pick and choose where it starts. It can’t do that because it wants to explain Origins by a total naturalistic method w/o use of any type of faith and any type of supernatural use by any means. Yet my questions will show and expose their whole systems uses a whole lot of faith and supernatural for it to occur despite what they say!
If started by Big Bang answer me these questions
1. Where did original energy come from? Science law say SOMETHING can’t come from NOTHING! Also ENERGY can neither be CREATED nor DESTROYED but only CHANGE forms! Regardless of OPEN or CLOSED systems both require Energy that MUST be accounted for by how it originated! Evolution MUST be able to answer this and not be able to avoid it!
2. What caused it to be released? Go check science laws and see what it says causes release of energy!
3. How did that big energy release produce precise order like Laws of Nature, Science, Cosmology, Physics etc. Esp since Evololution claims to constantly be changing and those aren't! It is Contradictory. If constantly changing life couldn't exist as life itself depends on them, laws of science, not changing.
4. Where did ALL the original material come from that the Big Bang used to produce ALL the Planets. Moons, Stars etc that exist.
5. If it existed eternally then how and why do you have a problem with eternal existence. Yet can't prove it and evolution says it eliminates supernatural. Yet that takes supernatural as we know something can't come from nothing. Yet evolution depends on supernatural or a whole lot of FAITH! Which is it?
6. With all the explosions of energy I have ever seen in History from past or present day. I've yet to see any explosion of energy ever produce, create order or precision of any kind much less like we see in this Universe. Yet evol stands on that principle, foundation or premise at least once for the beginning. Yet that is supernatural with lots of faith if true. It can’t be reproduced in a science lab. But evol is to eliminate supernatural yet it relies on it to start with. Huh. Contradictory to me. Doesn’t it seem so to you too?
Design problem
When does complex Functional Design ever occur without Intelligence involved? Give me any provable example. Except what evol tells me as a just so story w/o proof by demonstration by lab experiments etc.
I talk to many many engineers. Not one of them has ever been able to describe how any complex functional design they have worked on could have by randomness w/o intelligence being involved produced complex functional interdependent working design. Can you or any of your teachers?
Say you take any complex designed machine. How was each piece designed by random w/o knowing the end game. Kept each piece needed until all pieces could be put together so it would work w/o one piece missing and not working properly exactly as designed or it won't work at all. All or nothing principle. Esp not knowing the end game. See evol teaches that is what happens. It evolves all these pieces it needs w/o a brain to tell it to keep until complete for the end game. It keeps what is ultimately is going to be needed. All the while it is "UNFIT" and should be being selected against by what evol call Natural Selection until it is totally working in perfect order! All of this is supposedly done without a brain and done randomly by trial and error. Yet it can't know it will work until all pieces are formed and put together and working. And we are told that TIME works all this magic! Imagine that. Time is the brain needed, or CREATIVE FORCE to work all this intelligent magic. Gee sure makes sense and logic to me! Time is only Time! It has no brain nor is it a creative force. When evol runs into a problem they just add time as if that solves it. How does that work unless it is supernatural or is Faith based or just not true!
Here is another question I will propose. In Richard Dawkins book, “The Blind Watchmaker” he makes an obvious avoidance of Intelligence is needed. Let me explain. See he claims a watch, like nature can make, design a watch while being blind. Actually a blind person could in fact design a functional watch by using their Intelligence w/o being able to see by using conceptual knowledge and Intelligence. What could NOT happen is this. A watch with all interworking parts could NOT be DESIGNED w/o actual Intelligence being involved! That is very very key and Dawkins intentional avoids that obvious FACT! Evolution itself constantly avoids this obvious factor constantly! They can’t give one example where Functional Design has or will occur w/o Intelligence being needed or necessary! They claim evolution did it, yet can’t prove that is even possible by science lab experiments etc. Yet for evolution to be or have a chance to be true that foundational belief MUST be true or evolution falls flat on its face!
That is like pure silliness, non sense and illogical. Just another just so story w/o demonstration and telling you filtered information. Sadly you have lost the ability to critically analyze what you are told. They tell you WHAT to THINK not HOW to THINK!
So as an inanimate machine; If I allowed you to put all the machine parts needed together in one place. We know as evol teaches. They somehow will know they need to get together "SELFISHLY" and over time as the creative brain force will somehow find themselves putting themselves together and forming that machine w/o Intelligence being involved! Wow just wow! That is not Supernatural or Faith based? Really?
Then from that inanimate object we are going to move to living things. Somehow it makes that leap and does exactly the same thing but is living. But to add to it we must add the most complex computer program ever known. RNA/DNA that not only runs the whole thing it make it possible to reproduce itself! Then it design multiple ways of reproduction. Wow, it seems so simple and easy to explain by evol fact and demonstrateable! Yet evolutionist admit they filter what and how they teach and do so w/o demonstration and use propaganda and brainwashing techniques! Plus they admit to using bad science and driven by atheistic agenda! That is honest pure science? Really?
Here is an example I like to use to illustrate what they in essence are saying. Mother Nature, which also doesn’t have an actual thinking reasoning brain. Mother Nature decided it needed faces on Mt. Rushmore. So Mother Nature united all the forces of nature to form the faces on Mt. Rushmore. Do you believe that is possible, esp w/o Intelligence involved and despite its “appearance only” of design? Any way, lets procede forward. Then Mother Nature decides to take those faces from inanimate objects to living objects. So then it makes them living!! Wow! So it just uses Time as a creative force as we are taught over time anything can occur! Right despite the level of math or science impossibility! So inanimate objects become LIFE! That is about like what you are being taught. If you don’t believe it then critically analyze and question what you are taught and the things I have brought up!
Doesn't evol give each and every step involved in Evol like it does all other known science processes. Haven't they shown us what the Moths became and the Finches became! Oh wait! It is all smoke and mirrors and inference not proven science fact! Oops! But you missed it and bought it anyway didn't you. You mean you don’t know what higher order species the finch and moth became nor each step it went through to become that new higher order species? Why not if proven science? Proven science actually gives and proves each step and can describe them in detail. Give me evolutions steps in order and detail!
Again. Ive yet to find any computer programmer explain to me how they can make a program themselves and make themselves by randomness over whatever time frame needed and w/o any intelligence needed. See RNA/DNA is more complex than any computer program man has ever been able to come up with yet. Much less make it where it can reproduce itself. It must also be 3D and be able to be read forwards, backwards and so much else the more they discover about it. Evol wants us to believe it happened w/o actual Intelligence and yet everyday real life tells us that despite man still can’t match its complexity. RNA/DNA occurred naturally w/o Intelligence! Really? I ask prove it by actual science experiment not just you saying it happened by evolution and we must accept it by FAITH w/o being able to see it occur as a principle in real life we see and live daily.
Evolution says, All or most scientist agree so that makes it truth. Really? Lets examine that. Most scientist once thought the world was flat or it was heretical. Once they all thought the earth was the center of our Universe and everything revolved around the earth. They also once believed that the “simple” cell was just a “simple” cell of protoplasm. Have you caught the point yet? Majority of belief does not make truth does it? It never has nor ever will.
Did you also know that Charles Darwin in his original book “The origin of species” in chapter 6 he makes this statement. Which I bet your teacher(s) have never taught or told you. He wrote, “If it could ever be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” Don’t you think RNA/DNA qualifies? Most organs in our body do too! Use a scientist brain & have them tell you by steps how they would make an organ using evolutionary methods where it could make it & last until complete w/o Natural Selection or the organ or animal etc dieing first? They won’t be able to!
But but evol teaches this is all proven Fact by just so stories w/o actual demonstration. Despite what all they have admitted by my quotes. You still believe in all this nonsense and illogic.
Evol says Design is not real design but appears designed. That is true if talking a cloud. IT fails when talking functional working design! It then falls completely apart. I will give you a few links to validate this. Despite from creation site it still validates it as it used evol quotes and a well known scientist.
Ironically isn’t it that man still can’t match or better the functional design we find in nature, man’s own body. Our own robotics, computer programs, organ replacements etc still can’t match or better what evol teaches a non brain out functionally designed what mankind and our Intelligence still can’t match much less improve. What mankind has achieved has obviously taken use of Intelligence that evolution teaches in NOT needed! Yet they can’t give not ONE EXAMPLE I keep asking for to prove that premise, foundation and belief is even possible!
Did you also know that now there a total area of science dedicated to study how the Design found in nature can be used to copy and for the betterment of mankind. It is called BIOMIMICRY. What is so funny to me about that is they credit evolution for the Design they are copying which has no brain, reasoning, intellect etc to actually do what they and real life shows it can’t be done without actual intelligence. Regardless the point is made. They now have an area of science totally devoted to studying what God the Intelligent Designer ID already did that man can’t match nor beat with our “evolved” brains even today! Here is a link to it.
Biomimicry: Designing to Model Nature
Here is link address
Why have you never stopped to critically analyze and question this? See, schools of today are programmed to teach you WHAT to THINK and not HOW to THINK for YOURSELF!
BTW here is another link exposing just how far Evolutionist will go to absolutely intentionally ignore the obvious fact of the science they clearly observe! It is really sad. Read it for yourself.
Evol scientist admitting how far they will go to ignore the obvious Science proving God of Design and Creation
Here is link address
Try it and you might actually enjoy it and actually learn something!
Mike Dallas
I hope I linked the right ones.
Evol w/o a brain and intelligence can out functionally design man with a brain and intelligence. Really?
Here is some more thoughts on Natural Selection you should consider.
Let me start by saying a few things. Evol uses the Finch and the Moth. Yet the only changes they made were in length of the beak and color of the moth. They NEVER became a NON FINCH or NON MOTH to a higher order. They just adapted to a different environment. You can't tell me what they became? You can't tell me the steps it took nor describe each scientific step in detail like you can other proven science processes!
It is all inferred w/o proof and w/o actual demonstration as true science proof requires.
Here are a few thoughts to consider.
1). Once they made the adjustment in beak size and or color they were now fully adapted to the environment and therefore needed no further adjustment or evolution for survival!
2) Since it needed no further adjustments to survive. Any adjustments would now make it unfit for survival as it was, according to evol transform into a higher order species although it wasn't needed for survival as the adjustment took care of it.
3) To make said adjustments lets go to engineering. See an Engineer knows the end game. So they will design the individual pieces needed to get to the ultimate end game. They will keep them until all are designed and can be put together as one working unit. It is then all or none. It either will or won't work if anything is wrong.
4) Problem with Nat Sel is this. As each piece is being developed the species is UNFIT since it can't work totally yet and Nat Sel will be selecting against it the whole time until it is COMPLETE and ready to work.
5) The other problem Nat Sel has is this. It has no intelligence like an Engineer so it doesn't know the End game and know what to keep and what to discard in its trial and error phase as it will always fail until it is complete and due to Nat Sel it will be being selected against to kill it since it is UNFIT until it is completed!
6) How does it do this and know what to do w/o an Intelligent brain like an Engineer has?
7) It simply doesn't have that capability! It is working against its own survival!
8) Why you guys never think to analyze this is beyond me! Esp Engineers should know better.
9) Evol answer to all probs is that over time it will solve it. So now it is saying either Time has a brain to solve creative probs or it itself is a creative force! It is neither! All it is is a measurement device and that is all it is!
Evol teaches and insinuates so much w/o actual proof and w/o actual true science demonstration. Finches are still Finches and Moths are still Moths and they still can make those small adaptations back and forth as needed but not evolve to a higher order species. Evol can't tell you what they became or what the next step(s) are (were) etc. Much less explain why Nat Sel wouldn't kill it along the way as it was totally unfit every step of the way until it was completely finished and working!
You could use the analogy of an Engineer making a Functional machine. Same principle will apply. Difference is that the Engineer knows the End game and can keep until finished and its not living so Nat Sel isn't working against it to kill it all the time until finished! It would be like a jealous co worker working to sabotage your work until you can get it finished! They keep working to kill it until your work is finished to prove it works!
Wake up guys! Evol stands on sand, not firm foundation, and very shaky ground scientifically and with bad logic and total nonsense!
You keep trying to THINK as they have trained you to THINK and not HOW To think and critically analyze. Why you don't see through all these holes other than like my other thread and post showed. They intentionally ignore the obvious due to a belief system and not the obvious science telling them of a INTELLIGENT DESIGNER. An Intelligent Designer wouldn't use Macro Evo as it is so ineffective and doesn't work anyway!
I will link about genetic limitations they mislead you on by insuations not actual fact shown by genetics on plants and animals etc. There is a barrier that can't be crossed and if tried the mutations etc kill it or make it sterile! Either way it sure makes Evol as they want you to believe totally impossible.
As I said. They interchange terms all the time that mean different things. It confuses most people that don't know better and think they mean the mean the same but don't at all.
Micro evol is really just adaptation and that is built into the genetic original code and will go back and forth. No new info is ever added. That is what evol as Macro or to higher order requires!
So since you have PROVEN TRUTH on your side. Please do so! Then you can shut me up and evol will provide you with riches untold!
If you finally admit to the truth. Look for the real truth. It requires an Intelligent Designer and the supernatural!
The Premises and Foundations Evolution depends on for it to be true are impossible & we see that proof in everyday life all around us. Go around your house, car, office etc. Find any release of energy that creates order or precision. Find anything of Functional Design that could occur w/o the use of Intelligence. Evolution absolutely depends on those being true or it totally falls on its face!
So, is evolution truly proven science truth or just a bunch of non sense and illogical just so stories with filtered science and taught by Atheistic agenda. See today they teach you WHAT to THINK not HOW to THINK! Do some critical analysis and come to what makes the most sense! Ask questions and don’t just accept the word of so called “experts” or the majority. They have proven to not be right a lot!
There are answers to your questions. You just have to be willing to actually read them!
Final thought: They say we all come from one ancestor and that includes plants, all types of animal life and inanimate objects that somehow became life by magic and violates science own laws btw. Man, talk about FAITH based! When I look around and see all of creation and the various appearances, methods of reproductions, number of legs, differences in movement, flying, in and out of waters ability to survive and so much more. Is it just me or what?
If Evolution is true then prove it by answering these questions. You should be able to as you say you have proven truth on your side!
Here is a problem evolution has. It wants to pick and choose where it starts. It can’t do that because it wants to explain Origins by a total naturalistic method w/o use of any type of faith and any type of supernatural use by any means. Yet my questions will show and expose their whole systems uses a whole lot of faith and supernatural for it to occur despite what they say!
If started by Big Bang answer me these questions
1. Where did original energy come from? Science law say SOMETHING can’t come from NOTHING! Also ENERGY can neither be CREATED nor DESTROYED but only CHANGE forms! Regardless of OPEN or CLOSED systems both require Energy that MUST be accounted for by how it originated! Evolution MUST be able to answer this and not be able to avoid it!
2. What caused it to be released? Go check science laws and see what it says causes release of energy!
3. How did that big energy release produce precise order like Laws of Nature, Science, Cosmology, Physics etc. Esp since Evololution claims to constantly be changing and those aren't! It is Contradictory. If constantly changing life couldn't exist as life itself depends on them, laws of science, not changing.
4. Where did ALL the original material come from that the Big Bang used to produce ALL the Planets. Moons, Stars etc that exist.
5. If it existed eternally then how and why do you have a problem with eternal existence. Yet can't prove it and evolution says it eliminates supernatural. Yet that takes supernatural as we know something can't come from nothing. Yet evolution depends on supernatural or a whole lot of FAITH! Which is it?
6. With all the explosions of energy I have ever seen in History from past or present day. I've yet to see any explosion of energy ever produce, create order or precision of any kind much less like we see in this Universe. Yet evol stands on that principle, foundation or premise at least once for the beginning. Yet that is supernatural with lots of faith if true. It can’t be reproduced in a science lab. But evol is to eliminate supernatural yet it relies on it to start with. Huh. Contradictory to me. Doesn’t it seem so to you too?
Design problem
When does complex Functional Design ever occur without Intelligence involved? Give me any provable example. Except what evol tells me as a just so story w/o proof by demonstration by lab experiments etc.
I talk to many many engineers. Not one of them has ever been able to describe how any complex functional design they have worked on could have by randomness w/o intelligence being involved produced complex functional interdependent working design. Can you or any of your teachers?
Say you take any complex designed machine. How was each piece designed by random w/o knowing the end game. Kept each piece needed until all pieces could be put together so it would work w/o one piece missing and not working properly exactly as designed or it won't work at all. All or nothing principle. Esp not knowing the end game. See evol teaches that is what happens. It evolves all these pieces it needs w/o a brain to tell it to keep until complete for the end game. It keeps what is ultimately is going to be needed. All the while it is "UNFIT" and should be being selected against by what evol call Natural Selection until it is totally working in perfect order! All of this is supposedly done without a brain and done randomly by trial and error. Yet it can't know it will work until all pieces are formed and put together and working. And we are told that TIME works all this magic! Imagine that. Time is the brain needed, or CREATIVE FORCE to work all this intelligent magic. Gee sure makes sense and logic to me! Time is only Time! It has no brain nor is it a creative force. When evol runs into a problem they just add time as if that solves it. How does that work unless it is supernatural or is Faith based or just not true!
Here is another question I will propose. In Richard Dawkins book, “The Blind Watchmaker” he makes an obvious avoidance of Intelligence is needed. Let me explain. See he claims a watch, like nature can make, design a watch while being blind. Actually a blind person could in fact design a functional watch by using their Intelligence w/o being able to see by using conceptual knowledge and Intelligence. What could NOT happen is this. A watch with all interworking parts could NOT be DESIGNED w/o actual Intelligence being involved! That is very very key and Dawkins intentional avoids that obvious FACT! Evolution itself constantly avoids this obvious factor constantly! They can’t give one example where Functional Design has or will occur w/o Intelligence being needed or necessary! They claim evolution did it, yet can’t prove that is even possible by science lab experiments etc. Yet for evolution to be or have a chance to be true that foundational belief MUST be true or evolution falls flat on its face!
That is like pure silliness, non sense and illogical. Just another just so story w/o demonstration and telling you filtered information. Sadly you have lost the ability to critically analyze what you are told. They tell you WHAT to THINK not HOW to THINK!
So as an inanimate machine; If I allowed you to put all the machine parts needed together in one place. We know as evol teaches. They somehow will know they need to get together "SELFISHLY" and over time as the creative brain force will somehow find themselves putting themselves together and forming that machine w/o Intelligence being involved! Wow just wow! That is not Supernatural or Faith based? Really?
Then from that inanimate object we are going to move to living things. Somehow it makes that leap and does exactly the same thing but is living. But to add to it we must add the most complex computer program ever known. RNA/DNA that not only runs the whole thing it make it possible to reproduce itself! Then it design multiple ways of reproduction. Wow, it seems so simple and easy to explain by evol fact and demonstrateable! Yet evolutionist admit they filter what and how they teach and do so w/o demonstration and use propaganda and brainwashing techniques! Plus they admit to using bad science and driven by atheistic agenda! That is honest pure science? Really?
Here is an example I like to use to illustrate what they in essence are saying. Mother Nature, which also doesn’t have an actual thinking reasoning brain. Mother Nature decided it needed faces on Mt. Rushmore. So Mother Nature united all the forces of nature to form the faces on Mt. Rushmore. Do you believe that is possible, esp w/o Intelligence involved and despite its “appearance only” of design? Any way, lets procede forward. Then Mother Nature decides to take those faces from inanimate objects to living objects. So then it makes them living!! Wow! So it just uses Time as a creative force as we are taught over time anything can occur! Right despite the level of math or science impossibility! So inanimate objects become LIFE! That is about like what you are being taught. If you don’t believe it then critically analyze and question what you are taught and the things I have brought up!
Doesn't evol give each and every step involved in Evol like it does all other known science processes. Haven't they shown us what the Moths became and the Finches became! Oh wait! It is all smoke and mirrors and inference not proven science fact! Oops! But you missed it and bought it anyway didn't you. You mean you don’t know what higher order species the finch and moth became nor each step it went through to become that new higher order species? Why not if proven science? Proven science actually gives and proves each step and can describe them in detail. Give me evolutions steps in order and detail!
Again. Ive yet to find any computer programmer explain to me how they can make a program themselves and make themselves by randomness over whatever time frame needed and w/o any intelligence needed. See RNA/DNA is more complex than any computer program man has ever been able to come up with yet. Much less make it where it can reproduce itself. It must also be 3D and be able to be read forwards, backwards and so much else the more they discover about it. Evol wants us to believe it happened w/o actual Intelligence and yet everyday real life tells us that despite man still can’t match its complexity. RNA/DNA occurred naturally w/o Intelligence! Really? I ask prove it by actual science experiment not just you saying it happened by evolution and we must accept it by FAITH w/o being able to see it occur as a principle in real life we see and live daily.
Evolution says, All or most scientist agree so that makes it truth. Really? Lets examine that. Most scientist once thought the world was flat or it was heretical. Once they all thought the earth was the center of our Universe and everything revolved around the earth. They also once believed that the “simple” cell was just a “simple” cell of protoplasm. Have you caught the point yet? Majority of belief does not make truth does it? It never has nor ever will.
Did you also know that Charles Darwin in his original book “The origin of species” in chapter 6 he makes this statement. Which I bet your teacher(s) have never taught or told you. He wrote, “If it could ever be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” Don’t you think RNA/DNA qualifies? Most organs in our body do too! Use a scientist brain & have them tell you by steps how they would make an organ using evolutionary methods where it could make it & last until complete w/o Natural Selection or the organ or animal etc dieing first? They won’t be able to!
But but evol teaches this is all proven Fact by just so stories w/o actual demonstration. Despite what all they have admitted by my quotes. You still believe in all this nonsense and illogic.
Evol says Design is not real design but appears designed. That is true if talking a cloud. IT fails when talking functional working design! It then falls completely apart. I will give you a few links to validate this. Despite from creation site it still validates it as it used evol quotes and a well known scientist.
Ironically isn’t it that man still can’t match or better the functional design we find in nature, man’s own body. Our own robotics, computer programs, organ replacements etc still can’t match or better what evol teaches a non brain out functionally designed what mankind and our Intelligence still can’t match much less improve. What mankind has achieved has obviously taken use of Intelligence that evolution teaches in NOT needed! Yet they can’t give not ONE EXAMPLE I keep asking for to prove that premise, foundation and belief is even possible!
Did you also know that now there a total area of science dedicated to study how the Design found in nature can be used to copy and for the betterment of mankind. It is called BIOMIMICRY. What is so funny to me about that is they credit evolution for the Design they are copying which has no brain, reasoning, intellect etc to actually do what they and real life shows it can’t be done without actual intelligence. Regardless the point is made. They now have an area of science totally devoted to studying what God the Intelligent Designer ID already did that man can’t match nor beat with our “evolved” brains even today! Here is a link to it.
Biomimicry: Designing to Model Nature
Here is link address
Why have you never stopped to critically analyze and question this? See, schools of today are programmed to teach you WHAT to THINK and not HOW to THINK for YOURSELF!
BTW here is another link exposing just how far Evolutionist will go to absolutely intentionally ignore the obvious fact of the science they clearly observe! It is really sad. Read it for yourself.
Evol scientist admitting how far they will go to ignore the obvious Science proving God of Design and Creation
Here is link address
Try it and you might actually enjoy it and actually learn something!
Mike Dallas
I hope I linked the right ones.
Evol w/o a brain and intelligence can out functionally design man with a brain and intelligence. Really?
Here is some more thoughts on Natural Selection you should consider.
Let me start by saying a few things. Evol uses the Finch and the Moth. Yet the only changes they made were in length of the beak and color of the moth. They NEVER became a NON FINCH or NON MOTH to a higher order. They just adapted to a different environment. You can't tell me what they became? You can't tell me the steps it took nor describe each scientific step in detail like you can other proven science processes!
It is all inferred w/o proof and w/o actual demonstration as true science proof requires.
Here are a few thoughts to consider.
1). Once they made the adjustment in beak size and or color they were now fully adapted to the environment and therefore needed no further adjustment or evolution for survival!
2) Since it needed no further adjustments to survive. Any adjustments would now make it unfit for survival as it was, according to evol transform into a higher order species although it wasn't needed for survival as the adjustment took care of it.
3) To make said adjustments lets go to engineering. See an Engineer knows the end game. So they will design the individual pieces needed to get to the ultimate end game. They will keep them until all are designed and can be put together as one working unit. It is then all or none. It either will or won't work if anything is wrong.
4) Problem with Nat Sel is this. As each piece is being developed the species is UNFIT since it can't work totally yet and Nat Sel will be selecting against it the whole time until it is COMPLETE and ready to work.
5) The other problem Nat Sel has is this. It has no intelligence like an Engineer so it doesn't know the End game and know what to keep and what to discard in its trial and error phase as it will always fail until it is complete and due to Nat Sel it will be being selected against to kill it since it is UNFIT until it is completed!
6) How does it do this and know what to do w/o an Intelligent brain like an Engineer has?
7) It simply doesn't have that capability! It is working against its own survival!
8) Why you guys never think to analyze this is beyond me! Esp Engineers should know better.
9) Evol answer to all probs is that over time it will solve it. So now it is saying either Time has a brain to solve creative probs or it itself is a creative force! It is neither! All it is is a measurement device and that is all it is!
Evol teaches and insinuates so much w/o actual proof and w/o actual true science demonstration. Finches are still Finches and Moths are still Moths and they still can make those small adaptations back and forth as needed but not evolve to a higher order species. Evol can't tell you what they became or what the next step(s) are (were) etc. Much less explain why Nat Sel wouldn't kill it along the way as it was totally unfit every step of the way until it was completely finished and working!
You could use the analogy of an Engineer making a Functional machine. Same principle will apply. Difference is that the Engineer knows the End game and can keep until finished and its not living so Nat Sel isn't working against it to kill it all the time until finished! It would be like a jealous co worker working to sabotage your work until you can get it finished! They keep working to kill it until your work is finished to prove it works!
Wake up guys! Evol stands on sand, not firm foundation, and very shaky ground scientifically and with bad logic and total nonsense!
You keep trying to THINK as they have trained you to THINK and not HOW To think and critically analyze. Why you don't see through all these holes other than like my other thread and post showed. They intentionally ignore the obvious due to a belief system and not the obvious science telling them of a INTELLIGENT DESIGNER. An Intelligent Designer wouldn't use Macro Evo as it is so ineffective and doesn't work anyway!
I will link about genetic limitations they mislead you on by insuations not actual fact shown by genetics on plants and animals etc. There is a barrier that can't be crossed and if tried the mutations etc kill it or make it sterile! Either way it sure makes Evol as they want you to believe totally impossible.
As I said. They interchange terms all the time that mean different things. It confuses most people that don't know better and think they mean the mean the same but don't at all.
Micro evol is really just adaptation and that is built into the genetic original code and will go back and forth. No new info is ever added. That is what evol as Macro or to higher order requires!
So since you have PROVEN TRUTH on your side. Please do so! Then you can shut me up and evol will provide you with riches untold!
If you finally admit to the truth. Look for the real truth. It requires an Intelligent Designer and the supernatural!
The Premises and Foundations Evolution depends on for it to be true are impossible & we see that proof in everyday life all around us. Go around your house, car, office etc. Find any release of energy that creates order or precision. Find anything of Functional Design that could occur w/o the use of Intelligence. Evolution absolutely depends on those being true or it totally falls on its face!
So, is evolution truly proven science truth or just a bunch of non sense and illogical just so stories with filtered science and taught by Atheistic agenda. See today they teach you WHAT to THINK not HOW to THINK! Do some critical analysis and come to what makes the most sense! Ask questions and don’t just accept the word of so called “experts” or the majority. They have proven to not be right a lot!
There are answers to your questions. You just have to be willing to actually read them!
Final thought: They say we all come from one ancestor and that includes plants, all types of animal life and inanimate objects that somehow became life by magic and violates science own laws btw. Man, talk about FAITH based! When I look around and see all of creation and the various appearances, methods of reproductions, number of legs, differences in movement, flying, in and out of waters ability to survive and so much more. Is it just me or what?