So the NY Times released a story saying Donald Trump, Jr. met with a Russian operative on June 9, 2016 to get information damaging to the Hillary Clinton campaign.
After initially lying about the meeting, Junior has admitted the meeting occurred. He has also admitted he took the meeting because he expected to get information helpful to the campaign. However, he has denied having any prior knowledge of whom he would be meeting. This meeting was also attended (confirmed) by Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort.
Now there is a certain group of people here that will say this meeting was innocent. Others will say there is nothing to see here, and is just liberal whining about he election result. And sadly, some will even deny the legitimacy of the story despite Junior admitting the meeting with the Russian took place.
A number of things are troubling about this meeting.
1. This is yet another Russian meeting the Trump team did not disclose.
2. Junior admits he took the meeting to get Hillary dirt
3. Junior is obviously lying about not knowing who he was meeting. No way a guy of that stature takes a blind meeting.
4. Junior, Kushner, and Manafort ALL GOT AMNESIA with the meeting when they filled out their applications for security clearances.
Of course, this is all Fake News. It was just an oversight by all who attended, and the fact Junior took the meeting explicitly to get dirt on Hillary from a Russian operative should be ignored.
After initially lying about the meeting, Junior has admitted the meeting occurred. He has also admitted he took the meeting because he expected to get information helpful to the campaign. However, he has denied having any prior knowledge of whom he would be meeting. This meeting was also attended (confirmed) by Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort.
Now there is a certain group of people here that will say this meeting was innocent. Others will say there is nothing to see here, and is just liberal whining about he election result. And sadly, some will even deny the legitimacy of the story despite Junior admitting the meeting with the Russian took place.
A number of things are troubling about this meeting.
1. This is yet another Russian meeting the Trump team did not disclose.
2. Junior admits he took the meeting to get Hillary dirt
3. Junior is obviously lying about not knowing who he was meeting. No way a guy of that stature takes a blind meeting.
4. Junior, Kushner, and Manafort ALL GOT AMNESIA with the meeting when they filled out their applications for security clearances.
Of course, this is all Fake News. It was just an oversight by all who attended, and the fact Junior took the meeting explicitly to get dirt on Hillary from a Russian operative should be ignored.