It has been said that Luck is something that happens when preparation meets opportunity.
It is something that just seems follow certain teams in certain seasons. When the chips have been down for a while, sooner or later, when one endeavors to persevere, there it is. It has also been said that you make your own luck. I believe that we are due, we have prepared, we are mad as hell, and that boulder on our shoulders is a chip larger that we can imagine.
I actually pity our opponents this year.
It is something that just seems follow certain teams in certain seasons. When the chips have been down for a while, sooner or later, when one endeavors to persevere, there it is. It has also been said that you make your own luck. I believe that we are due, we have prepared, we are mad as hell, and that boulder on our shoulders is a chip larger that we can imagine.
I actually pity our opponents this year.