The latest issue of Nature is about the discover of Mastodon Bones that have "hammer" marks on them. "Impact marks on bones can be identified and attributed to individual stone hammers"
what does this mean? well it is presently accepted that people known as the Clovis colonized the Americas 13000 years ago by crossing a land bridge from Siberia. These bones were found near LA and are 130,000 years old.
We have recently discovered Asian peoples might have reached the coast of California about 30,000 years ago over the sea. This discovery is shocking as it shows some kind of stone tool using peoples were here 100,000 years earlier than believed. No human or other remains were found with these bones.
Quite the mystery and is attracting attention on who these early human ancestors might have been and from where?
what does this mean? well it is presently accepted that people known as the Clovis colonized the Americas 13000 years ago by crossing a land bridge from Siberia. These bones were found near LA and are 130,000 years old.
We have recently discovered Asian peoples might have reached the coast of California about 30,000 years ago over the sea. This discovery is shocking as it shows some kind of stone tool using peoples were here 100,000 years earlier than believed. No human or other remains were found with these bones.
Quite the mystery and is attracting attention on who these early human ancestors might have been and from where?