with Trump. The guy is actually trying to change the direction of a runaway DC and the establishment.
What I realize after 2 months of Trump is that any other President would have made no difference at all. There is no difference between hillary or Mitt or any of them. None of these people have the balls Trump does. Trump was our only chance to Drain the Swamp.
if he can get a couple of things done then maybe we can begin to make changes at our universities who are infested with liberal socialist.
What I realize after 2 months of Trump is that any other President would have made no difference at all. There is no difference between hillary or Mitt or any of them. None of these people have the balls Trump does. Trump was our only chance to Drain the Swamp.
if he can get a couple of things done then maybe we can begin to make changes at our universities who are infested with liberal socialist.