Biden outpacing predecessors with ambassadorships for donors, political supporters
A majority of President Biden's nominees to ambassadorships thus far have been political appointees, frequently for big Democratic donors and key party players, at a rate higher than his predecessors.
However, a majority of President Biden’s nominees to ambassadorships thus far have been political appointees, frequently for big Democratic donors and key party players, at a rate higher than his predecessors.
While rewarding donors might seem as old as presidential elections, according to data from the American Foreign Service Association, 26 ambassador nominees were drawn from the ranks of career foreign service agents compared to 29 from "other," or political, appointees. Biden's current course puts him at 53% political appointees, though many spots remain without a nominee.
Seems I remember Biden getting his panties in a wad about Trump appointing political donors as ambassadors. It appears Biden is rewarding donors at a 53% clip which is a full 10% points higher than Trump.
Another day another broken campaign promise.
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