I just got there info in to review. With my having so many health issues. It reads good & DVD sounds good. But testimonials to me aren't always trustworthy.
If you'd be honest I'd appreciate honest responses of any personal, family, relatives or friends experience with it.
I tend to believe its premise. But there are so many health companies all claiming to be the best. I obviously can't test them all myself.
So any real personal experience or testimonies both pro & con would be greatly appreciated.
Thx in advance for those that seriously respond. Heck it could help others on this board too if its as good as they claim & testimonies validate that.
If you'd be honest I'd appreciate honest responses of any personal, family, relatives or friends experience with it.
I tend to believe its premise. But there are so many health companies all claiming to be the best. I obviously can't test them all myself.
So any real personal experience or testimonies both pro & con would be greatly appreciated.
Thx in advance for those that seriously respond. Heck it could help others on this board too if its as good as they claim & testimonies validate that.