Just finished watching the Movie with Ethan Hawke, one of my favorite actors.
about a drone pilot killing in Afghanistan
The pilots agonize over the killing of innocents.
During WWII we bombed cites like Dresden and would kill hundreds of thousands of innocents
In Dresden we killed over 300,000 mostly old men, women and children trying to escape the war
Dresden had no military value
the point is....if we get hit by these guys...Americans ...even the pansy ass liberals, will approve of killing them all or enough of them to make it stop.
we cannot defeat the climate...we can keep our citizens safe, but we cannot do so until the low information voters are marginalized by those who want to keep us safe.
We have many on this board who totally ignorant of what the hell is going on and what we have done to protect ourselves in the past.
the pendulum is over with the liberals and the ignorant...but we will get hit and then the adults will take charge
about a drone pilot killing in Afghanistan
The pilots agonize over the killing of innocents.
During WWII we bombed cites like Dresden and would kill hundreds of thousands of innocents
In Dresden we killed over 300,000 mostly old men, women and children trying to escape the war
Dresden had no military value
the point is....if we get hit by these guys...Americans ...even the pansy ass liberals, will approve of killing them all or enough of them to make it stop.
we cannot defeat the climate...we can keep our citizens safe, but we cannot do so until the low information voters are marginalized by those who want to keep us safe.
We have many on this board who totally ignorant of what the hell is going on and what we have done to protect ourselves in the past.
the pendulum is over with the liberals and the ignorant...but we will get hit and then the adults will take charge
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