So you want to tell me that you believe in Jesus. You believe He was born of a virgin, lived sinless, died on a cross and took upon Himself all the sins of the world and arose in 3 days. Walked around 40 days on the earth afterwards. Then went to heaven in the ascension all as told in the Bible. You say you believe all of that.
Yet, when the Bible clearly states that Jesus as part of the Trinity was THEE creator of all things. You choose He was so powerless and so inefficient that He couldn't just speak the world into existence immediately. He couldn't do it in 6 24 hour periods as told in Genesis. When He said it was good and finished He was lying since evolution is never finished, is very inefficient, uses death and sure isn't good in a way God would say good and sure wasn't done in 6 24 hour periods.
Which Jesus do you believe in? Do you compromise with the world? Is that what God calls you to do? Did Jesus? Are we to be Holy as God is Holy? Does that allow for compromise to the world ruled by satan?
See I've given time and time again reasons why God has proven His existence and why only God could have created this world etc. No one can ever give me examples disputing my questions about Design.
I give you links to improve your ability in apologetics to defend our faith to skeptics. Yet you attack me. Now that is really sad. I'm not the one compromising to the world nor will I ever. Even Paul had to be firm correcting Peter on his bad theology at one time. Did he attack Paul for being firm getting him on the right path? No he didn't. He became one of the strongest apostles Jesus trained. I want you to be as well trained and be able to use the sources I keep providing you keep ignoring. Do you really think God wants you to ignore sources to help you defend the total Gospel and why you believe what you believe to an unbelieving world? If you do then I question your faith honestly. I always always want to learn more. That is why I always get these free newsletters and so much more you don't know about. Now it is rare I get asked a question I am not prepared for. Now it is funny I get attacked more from "supposed Christians" than even non believers.
My target audience on many intellectual message boards are highly highly educated and mostly atheistic skeptics. They treat me better and respect my info as it is well researched with Biblios which I demand they read if they are to argue with me just because it is from believers. I give them converts Dr.s of science from evolutionist and scientist dissent list and get more respect as they weren't aware it existed. Sad really. You guys can't handle my sources as well as real science educated people do. I can talk their language due to my studies and I don't get judged just because I don't have a science degree. I've proven I'm educated by two Masters. That gives me education cred and then my threads give me the rest as I know what I am talking about.
I want you Christians to really think about what I've posted here. I think you really need to decide what side of the fence you will stand. Jesus said fence sitters He will spew out of His mouth. He'd rather you be against Him than both ways. Too many of you are both ways. Bible doesn't allow that. Totally believing in Jesus doesn't allow that either. You can't believe in Him one way and not the other way too!
Jeus is the Creator as explained in the Bible
Yet, when the Bible clearly states that Jesus as part of the Trinity was THEE creator of all things. You choose He was so powerless and so inefficient that He couldn't just speak the world into existence immediately. He couldn't do it in 6 24 hour periods as told in Genesis. When He said it was good and finished He was lying since evolution is never finished, is very inefficient, uses death and sure isn't good in a way God would say good and sure wasn't done in 6 24 hour periods.
Which Jesus do you believe in? Do you compromise with the world? Is that what God calls you to do? Did Jesus? Are we to be Holy as God is Holy? Does that allow for compromise to the world ruled by satan?
See I've given time and time again reasons why God has proven His existence and why only God could have created this world etc. No one can ever give me examples disputing my questions about Design.
I give you links to improve your ability in apologetics to defend our faith to skeptics. Yet you attack me. Now that is really sad. I'm not the one compromising to the world nor will I ever. Even Paul had to be firm correcting Peter on his bad theology at one time. Did he attack Paul for being firm getting him on the right path? No he didn't. He became one of the strongest apostles Jesus trained. I want you to be as well trained and be able to use the sources I keep providing you keep ignoring. Do you really think God wants you to ignore sources to help you defend the total Gospel and why you believe what you believe to an unbelieving world? If you do then I question your faith honestly. I always always want to learn more. That is why I always get these free newsletters and so much more you don't know about. Now it is rare I get asked a question I am not prepared for. Now it is funny I get attacked more from "supposed Christians" than even non believers.
My target audience on many intellectual message boards are highly highly educated and mostly atheistic skeptics. They treat me better and respect my info as it is well researched with Biblios which I demand they read if they are to argue with me just because it is from believers. I give them converts Dr.s of science from evolutionist and scientist dissent list and get more respect as they weren't aware it existed. Sad really. You guys can't handle my sources as well as real science educated people do. I can talk their language due to my studies and I don't get judged just because I don't have a science degree. I've proven I'm educated by two Masters. That gives me education cred and then my threads give me the rest as I know what I am talking about.
I want you Christians to really think about what I've posted here. I think you really need to decide what side of the fence you will stand. Jesus said fence sitters He will spew out of His mouth. He'd rather you be against Him than both ways. Too many of you are both ways. Bible doesn't allow that. Totally believing in Jesus doesn't allow that either. You can't believe in Him one way and not the other way too!
Jeus is the Creator as explained in the Bible