Papadopolis guilty.
Gates indicted.
Manafort indicted.
Trump can pick 'em can't he?
This is going to get more people locked up than Watergate. And it's not over. Flynn is looking at serious time. 5-10 years is possible. Damn, that sounds like a lot of time for a plea.
Anyone remember all the denials and claims of fake news when this Russian meddling started to come out. Fake news, fake news, fake news. These are not insignificant individuals. Administration officials have been caught in so many lies its ridiculous. And now a big one. Prior claims that Flynn was only making courtesy calls on the Russian ambassador, when in actually he had to admit he was talking to them about their sanctions and relayed these to White House officials. We all know the elephant in the room. How long before Trump pardons Kushner? About time for Trump to spew some more venom about Hilary and OBama or something to give him some deflection. At least he's got some good news coming on his tax plan. He needs something.
Papadopolis guilty.
Gates indicted.
Manafort indicted.
Trump can pick 'em can't he?
This is going to get more people locked up than Watergate. And it's not over. Flynn is looking at serious time. 5-10 years is possible. Damn, that sounds like a lot of time for a plea.
Anyone remember all the denials and claims of fake news when this Russian meddling started to come out. Fake news, fake news, fake news. These are not insignificant individuals. Administration officials have been caught in so many lies its ridiculous. And now a big one. Prior claims that Flynn was only making courtesy calls on the Russian ambassador, when in actually he had to admit he was talking to them about their sanctions and relayed these to White House officials. We all know the elephant in the room. How long before Trump pardons Kushner? About time for Trump to spew some more venom about Hilary and OBama or something to give him some deflection. At least he's got some good news coming on his tax plan. He needs something.