Hillary will begin to have a fainting spell soon or some such so she can bow out. That leaves the party with exactly nothing, and that's counting Hillary if she does stay in. I think the powers that be in the party know they cant deal with the mess Obama is leaving. everyone and their pet dog wants to jump in on the other side and there are a few who seem capable, but boy what a mess whomever is elected is confronting. The economic mess, the health care mess, the Middle East and a runaway China. Plus the far left of the party who is not only in panic but might be in danger of losing their government checks.
The inner cities are aflame and how do Big City mayors begin to turn around the mess the Democratic Mayors will leave them?
Going to take a good solid leader who will surround himself with capable people and begin to dismantle the Obama years. To restore confidence with our allies and begin to develop a strategy for rebuilding our military and confronting a destabilized world.
and how to begin to dismantle the EPA and all the green energy whackos? We have trouble even here getting them to see these hoaxes and not want to take up arms against windmills?
The inner cities are aflame and how do Big City mayors begin to turn around the mess the Democratic Mayors will leave them?
Going to take a good solid leader who will surround himself with capable people and begin to dismantle the Obama years. To restore confidence with our allies and begin to develop a strategy for rebuilding our military and confronting a destabilized world.
and how to begin to dismantle the EPA and all the green energy whackos? We have trouble even here getting them to see these hoaxes and not want to take up arms against windmills?