Let's hear everyone's worst stories of college football fans, Tech or other schools. I'll start....
In 1995 when I was 7 an ATM fan threaten to beat up my mother, brother (13 at the time) and myself for yelling on the walk to the car after Tech beat them 14-7 on a pick six. However the worst story....
Some ATM fans tipped over a fraternity brother of mine in a porta potty door down after Tech beat them on a hailmary pass from Graham Harrel to Robert Johnson in 2006.
I've been going to Tech games since the early 90s and never seen anything remotely as bad as what's alleged.
In 1995 when I was 7 an ATM fan threaten to beat up my mother, brother (13 at the time) and myself for yelling on the walk to the car after Tech beat them 14-7 on a pick six. However the worst story....
Some ATM fans tipped over a fraternity brother of mine in a porta potty door down after Tech beat them on a hailmary pass from Graham Harrel to Robert Johnson in 2006.
I've been going to Tech games since the early 90s and never seen anything remotely as bad as what's alleged.