Son of SouthFork, a sophomore at Tech, just texted me that he was interviewed in the SUB by FSSW. He was part of an "ask the players" segment. I don't know any more details yet. The kid is too busy to text back, I guess.
He also said Tevin Madison got a standing O in class. That may be a bit too much, but it's good to see the students appreciate the players and it's good for the players to see how much it means to the students to win again.
He said he players he has interacted with all seem confident yet subdued-they know they have a long way to go and lot to prove, but make no mistake, they do want to prove the doubters wrong. It seems many of them are very much taking on the personality of Coach Kingsbury.
He also said Tevin Madison got a standing O in class. That may be a bit too much, but it's good to see the students appreciate the players and it's good for the players to see how much it means to the students to win again.
He said he players he has interacted with all seem confident yet subdued-they know they have a long way to go and lot to prove, but make no mistake, they do want to prove the doubters wrong. It seems many of them are very much taking on the personality of Coach Kingsbury.