This day feels like another hopeful TTU Sat only to be disappointed.
Except the reprocussions are 10000
Times worse.
Safety of our nation.
Our soldiers.
Supreme Court
Corruption in Washington
Corrupt law inforcement
Our veterans
The second amendment
The working tax payer
The masculine white male
Definition of male and female
In God we Trust
The inner city violence
Our police officers
Our Christian heritage
Introduction of shiria law
Etc etc etc................
May God have mercy on USA
Except the reprocussions are 10000
Times worse.
Safety of our nation.
Our soldiers.
Supreme Court
Corruption in Washington
Corrupt law inforcement
Our veterans
The second amendment
The working tax payer
The masculine white male
Definition of male and female
In God we Trust
The inner city violence
Our police officers
Our Christian heritage
Introduction of shiria law
Etc etc etc................
May God have mercy on USA