mens hoops

  1. DFWRaider2

    Tech picked 7th in MBB Preseason Poll: Too High, Low, or Just Right?

    What say the RRS brain trust?
  2. EverymanRaider

    KO is Running it Back!

    It was a long process. One that spanned over half the world! Kevin took a trip to Qatar to clear his mind, train with his mentor, and have some long discussions about what next year would look like. Kevin is a player on the verge… Red Raider Nation saw that. There’s not a player in the country...
  3. EverymanRaider

    Bear Obanor Far and Wide

    KO may have played one of the best half’s of basketball I have seen a Red Raider play. I couldn’t be more proud to have him as a part of our Red Raider family. He embodies what this team is about... he fights every second he’s on the court! Just wanted to show my guy some love today 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼