
  1. Daddyrusses

    15th Annual (and probably final) ROH Golf Tournament

    For those of you that have played in this event before and for those of you who have wanted to but not been able to, here is your chance. April 7th at The Clubs of Prestonwood The Creek 11:00am registration, lunch and driving range open 1:00pm shotgun start Dinner and awards to follow This...
  2. CowCow

    Coffee w/ a stranger > January edition

    Howdy folks, Working on connecting with fellow peers here in DFW. Interesting in grabbing a coffee with me in January? Let me know if there's a day/time that works best, send a DM. Interesting facts about me: > started multiple businesses in technology > ran a marketing studio for the last 7...
  3. GlenRoseWelder

    OT- Markit Parkit (Dallas)

    Great place to get a keg in Dallas. Also, they make a mean cheeseburger. Gotta go return a keg from this weekend when the open at noon today. Solid spot Coach Beard would approve. 4:1
  4. OBLIVIUS_Raider

    The 2019 BMW Dallas Marathon - This Weekend

    I'm driving down to the Big D today to run the half marathon portion of this race with some fellow Red Raiders. Anyone else doing it? Wear a TT if you can!