I thought is was very nice when Mac Brown came to Spikes funeral and said some nice things and one funny joke about Sharon making pie for the referees for game day lunch.
Class guy. Wish him the best. HubCity.
Remember at Spike Funeral they had the horse and mask Raider. Powerful,
I told my son, a Pastor I would love that at mine. He checked into it and said you had to be a 15 million donor for that but he said he would work on it.
E mailed me later and suggested we use my black Scottie, Raider and get a Monkey with a red cape and tie him on and hit him on the butt and have him circle around the grave yard with a tape recording of Fight Raider, Right. Still working on the details. Love to have the member of this board at the service its only 15 dollars for a covered front row seat. To save money we will use the Grave Yard at Muleshoe, the city with the Glass Ass. There are certain Idalou folks that might want me dead right now.