Red Raider Confidential (Monday, March 10th)

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C. Level

The People's Champ
Nov 7, 2002

Friday can only mean one thing for the discriminating Red Raider fan: time for another edition of the Red Raider Confidential. As always, we begin this session with the ground rules. Everything that is reported in the Red Raider Confidential must stay well… confidential. That's the way this deal works. The Red Raider Confidential is posted in the premium forum to ensure that this information stays exclusively within the Raider Nation.

This will continue to be successful only if everyone helps out, so let’s all work together and keep the discussions limited to this board.

Gray’s more familiar with Tech now

It’s time to take an inside look into OL Joel Gray’s weekend at Tech.

“I had a really good time last weekend,” said Gray. “I got there Friday night and my family went out with Mason Walter’s’ family. Then Mason and I hung out for a little while afterwards as well.”

But it was on Saturday when Gray experienced the highlight of his trip.

“Mason and I were brought into a room with Coach Moore and Coach Riley and some of the offensive lineman. We just talked and asked questions. It really helped me out because you can always hear it from a coaches perspective but you can’t always hear it from a player’s perspective, so I really liked what they had to say.”

The other recruit in the room, joining Walters and Gray, was Oklahoma’s OL Brandon Webb. Current Red Raiders in the office were Rylan Reed, Brandon Carter, Stephen Hamby, and Mickey Okafor.

“They were pretty funny guys and they seem like they have a lot of fun. Coach Moore and Coach Riley were in the room for a little while then after that they just left us.. We just talked to the players and asked them questions. They just told us how it was and I really liked what they had to say because they were just being honest and you could tell.
It was actually a pretty good conversation, it wasn’t that awkward. The college guys talked a little more than we did but we just asked questions. We were having a conversation and talking as if we were just friends and not being recruited to play.”

Gray also was able to get closer with offensive line coach Matt Moore over the weekend but what Gray liked the most about Moore, actually didn’t come from Moore himself.

“What I was really impressed with about Coach Moore is what the players had said about him. They definitely talked very highly about him. I had talked on the phone with him several times and I thought he was a great guy and a good person. But the players talked really high on him and talked about how much fun they have and how much they’ve learned. They actually said it was a blessing to have coach Moore around as their coach. And I know how it is to talk about a coach when you don’t like him that much, but to hear that from a player I actually really liked that because that would be my position coach and everything.

“Another thing that really impressed me is that they’ve won five out of six bowl games in six years. That was real impressive to me as well because you always want to win the bowl game and it’s a big win. So knowing that you can win the big game is a big deal for me, too.

“One thing I really like about Tech is that I feel that they’re really being honest with me. Sometimes I hear people telling me things and they haven’t come through but with Tech, they’ve followed their word on everything they’ve said.”

Gray noticed that there were certain prospects that the coaches had priority on. And he knew that he was one of them.

“I definitely feel like I was treated special and I definitely felt special and all that stuff. They really treated me well and all that. I really appreciate how they treated me with respect and everything. That was really a big deal for me.”

It’s also important to mention again that Gray’s older brother once attended Tech and that helped the junior lineman in his familiarity with Lubbock on the visit.

“Yeah, he came with us and wanted to meet some old buds. He told us a lot about Tech and all that stuff. I’m definitely glad he came along because I felt like I learned a lot more.

“Before we left, we ate at Spanky’s because Evan (older brother) had always told me that we had to eat at Spanky’s and have the fried cheese. Lubbock’s definitely a college town and they love their Red Raiders. That’s a great thing to have if you’re going to a college town. I definitely like Lubbock since I’ve been there now and stayed for a while.

“I definitely felt more comfortable and I definitely felt more confident and more at home towards Lubbock. My brother always told me how great Lubbock was but I didn’t understand him and kept saying that it was six hours away. But when I actually got there and got acclimated with what he was talking about, I saw how great the city was. And I definitely enjoyed Lubbock.”

Though it was a great time had by the entire Gray family, the 6-foot-6, 286-pounder says that he still feels that other visits need to be made.

“Oh, definitely. I have no plan to commit anytime soon at all. I definitely want to wait to see what’s going to be best for me.
“I definitely want to take my official visits and stuff like that because that’s when you really get to see the environment you’re going to be in the most. I want to try to wait as long as possible but I’m going to commit when I feel at home. So when I’ve seen enough for me and as much places as possible, I’m going to make my decision.”

Gray has visited Tech, A&M, and Oklahoma thus far. But one must have good feelings about his situation with Tech and where the Red Raiders sit at this point. It seems that their stock grew tremendously after the visit to Junior Day.

Walters’ Pros, Cons of Junior Day

When we asked top offensive lineman Mason Walters what his favorite and least favorite things about Tech’s junior day were, the local star’s response was worth noting.

“Oh, my favorite thing?” Walters asked. “That’s pretty tough, that’s a tough question. Can I have a second to think about that one?”

After pausing for a moment, Walters had his answer.

“OK, I know what my favorite thing was. The linemen. There are huge. Absolutely huge. I don’t know if it’s something in the water or what, but those guys are huge. Bennie really gets those guys to fill out their frame. I haven’t been able to budge off of 280-pounds since I’ve been in high school, no matter what I do, so that’s appealing to me. As far as my least favorite thing, I can’t say there was a least favorite thing. It was all good.”

Though he couldn’t think of a negative from his visit, there was one thing about the weekend that he wished he had seen.

“We left the Texas game at halftime,” he said. “Joel and his family had to get on the road, so we just left with them to see them off, and I missed that second half. I was pretty bummed about that.”

Then, with a laugh, Walters added that there was another positive about his visit that could give Tech’s offensive linemen a run for their money.

“Oh, also, Joel and I did both notice that Tech has some absolutely beautiful women,” he chuckled. “We definitely noticed that.”

Do the ‘Horns lead for Walters’ services?

Much has been made for the last few weeks about an article written by Editor Geoff Ketchum in which he alluded to sources indicating to him that the Longhorns lead for Mason Walters’ services.

So, when we interviewed Walters’ this week, we asked him if there was any validity to the idea that he had a leader in his recruitment.

“Wow,” he responded. “I’m definitely curious to know who their sources are. Honestly, even I don’t know where I’m going. I guess they could have always just made that up, but other than that I have no idea where in the world they would have gotten that. There isn’t anyone I can think of who would say that. I mean, honestly, if you asked each one of my friends right now I bet you’d get a different answer from every one of them. Who knows how people can misconstrue my conversations with them, but I can tell you right now, I have no idea at all where I’m going.”

Can Tech pull Lowe out of OK?

For Junior Day, Oklahoma safety Daytawion Lewis went to Tech’s junior day with three of his friends. We spoke with him just a few hours after arriving back home.

“I liked it,” said Lowe. “ I like Coach Mitchell a lot, he’s a good coach.”

Like Gray, Lowe immediately felt as if he was getting the “special treatment”.

“Oh, yes. As soon as I walked in, people were getting at me. Coaches came back and said they were happy to see me and I was happy to see them. Yeah, it was great.”

We asked Lowe to give us a detailed account of how the junior day went down.

“First, we met in our groups according to the coaches that recruit our area and they talked about us turning in film and all that. Then we went in there and we listened to coach Leach talk about Texas Tech and we watched their highlight film. We went to the weight room and saw where they worked out and stuff. We talked about their academics and I liked that pool area that they have, it’s nice.

“After they talked about academics I got to go back and meet with Coach Leach. Then we left to go to the basketball game.

“It was just me and coach Leach. It was great, and we had a one on one connection. He’s different from the other coaches head coaches that I’ve met with. He’s really down to earth. He shows me where he does his work and where he’s at most of the time. He wasn’t just trying to pressure stuff on me like most of them.”

Then there was the basketball game against UT that they all got to enjoy.

“That was awesome. I got a little nervous at the end, they let them come back. But it was a great game. It was worth going to, definitely. I saw that the students are dedicated to Texas Tech. Everything that goes on around there, they’re just involved with the school. Through the community and the school. I know that they have a great crowd and great fans. They’re real loud, too.”

One aspect of the Red Raiders that many need to be aware of is the already existing relationship between Lowe and a current Tech wide receiver.

“I hung out with Tramain Swindall,” explained Lowe. “We met when he was a senior. They played us in basketball at our gym, it was at a tournament we were hosting. We beat him and afterwards I came and talked to him for the first time. After that, we’ve always talked. His girlfriend goes to our school and she’s in my class so I talk to him through her. So we’ve pretty cool.”

The connection between the two has enabled Lowe to get even closer to Tech and it benefitted him greatly while in Lubbock as well.

“ I got to hang out with him and see their apartment. They’re really nice. I could see myself living there.”

And what has Swindall told Lowe about the Red Raiders thus far?

“He says that it’s a great place and they work hard. He said that if you want to come and work hard then it’s the place for you. They have fun, but when it’s time to work hard, you work hard.”

So does Tech have a chance with Lowe?

“Yes, it’s a great possibility for Texas Tech.”

Hopefully Swindall can get Lowe to come back soon.

“I plan on it. I don’t know when, but I want to come back down. I talked to Tramain, but whichever day I get it scheduled to come back down, I will.”

Meanwhile it’s obvious that Tech is going to have a hard time battling with the two in-state schools. Lowe had told us that OSU was still his favorite only because of his familiarity with the Cowboys.

This is where the Swindall connection will become real important with Lowe’s recruitment. Swindall could potentially help close in the distance gap by helping Lowe become more familiar and comfortable with Tech.

In the meantime, there’s also the University of Oklahoma that has always been one of Lowe’s favorites.

It was last Wednesday, four days after the visit to Tech, that Lowe went to Norman and received some big news.
“It was great. I went to practice and watched their practice. after that was over, Coach Stoops came up and said he watched my film and had to make sure I was the size they said I was. He wanted to make sure I was good size and he said I was and they offered me a full ride.

“It’s a great feeling. That’s the big school in Oklahoma right now.”

With the Sooners always being a favorite in Lowe’s mind, we asked him why he didn’t pull the trigger right there on the spot.

“I Just have to make sure everything is right before I go ahead and pull it. Because that’s really my first time meeting with the coaches and everything and I’ll get more acquainted with them.”

As far as the visit to Oklahoma, Lowe said it couldn’t be compared to Tech at all.

“The two trips were totally different. When I went to Tech, I got to get more in depth with the coaches. When I went to OU today, I got to see how the coaches act when they’re on the field and how they treat you in the football environment. It was kind of like I got to experience two different aspects.”

While we still think Lowe is going to be hard to get away from OSU or OU, take it as a positive that he was not anxious enough to commit to the Sooners immediately. Lowe has shown that he’s going to fully evaluate the situation before making his decision. The longer he waits and puts off a final commitment, the better that is for the Red Raiders.

Scott, the first commitment

The story of James Scott is one of an athlete from a small town. That’s part of the reason why Tech was the first to jump on the linebacker and running back. So, where exactly is Scott’s hometown of Coldspring, TX?

“You know where Conroe is?” asked Scott. “Or Huntsville? You have to go through both of them. What about Cleveland? We’re right before Cleveland. Coldspring is around the Livingston area. We’re around that way.

“I’ve lived in Coldspring all my life. It’s all good, it’s a pretty good little town.”

We asked the first Red Raider commit of the ‘09 class to tell us a little about himself.

“I’ve been playing football since pee-wee. I’ve been on varsity since I was a freshman.
When I was a freshman, I played defense and a little running back but I didn’t play as much as I did until my sophomore year.”

As far as his commitment to Tech, said he had been thinking about it for quite some time.
“I talked to Coach Moore about four weeks ago. He called Coach Brian Barbay. He told me that they had ran across my film and he liked the way I looked on the tape and they were interested in me. He asked if I was interested in them and then they’d be willing to give me a scholarship. They like the way I move on the film and I have the potential to play wherever I want to play.”

Turns out Tech is looking for as a linebacker and he has no problem with that.

Q&A: Coldspring HS Head Coach Bryan Barbay

We had this conversation with Baraby on the day that Scott committed to Tech, last week.

RRS: Can you tell us about James Scott?

BB: He plays linebacker for us and running back. He’s about 6-foot-3 or 4 and probably weighted in the other day at 226. He really didn’t run this much this year at running back. He rolled his ankle in his second district ball game and missed the whole season and came back in the playoffs. He was our leading tackler. I know Texas Tech had been calling him and acquiring on him. They had just kind of just mailed an official offer to him and when I talked to him today he said he was going to call a coach and talk to him.

RRS: Can you talk about how Scott’s recruiting process has been going?

BB: I don’t know how he got on the lists, but he came in there today and there’s letters in my mailbox everyday for him. When the guys from Texas Tech offered, we sat down and I talked to him and wanted to make sure that’s what he really wanted to do. I’ve only been over here since July, so you’re talking about that I coached him this season but it’s not like I’ve known him his whole life. I really didn’t know what his plans were and everything. I told him that if that was something really wanted to do then it’d be a hard thing to pass up. I told him he’d have to make his own decision. We talked a little bit today and I just wanted to make sure that’s really what he wanted to do. Anywhere I’ve ever coached, we’ve never had anyone that’s played much bigger than a smaller college. I’ve never been anywhere where they come in and get them when they’re a junior.

RRS: What makes Scott so good?

BB: We use him in a lot of different ways. He’s strong, he lifted in the regional power lifting meet this past weekend. What I was impressed with is that he played basketball, too. He ended only lifting at one meet. Yet, the most he dead lifted was about 450. Sure enough, he pulled 500 pounds at Regionals and did it. He probably squats about 425 and benches about 260. He has a real good power cling, probably 245 or 250. He’s a hard worker in the weight room. We went out today, and he ran hard. He always lifts hard. It’s hard to describe but he’s what you call a ‘gamer’. When it’s game time, he gets everyone going and fired up and he plays hard. That’s what you want.

RRS: What made you tell Scott to wait a little while before committing to Tech?

BB: I wanted to make sure that was what he really wanted. It wasn’t like it was a deal where we had sat down and there were a whole lot of different places on the table right now but I think there would be in the future. They’ve been pursuing him and he’s really interested in doing it. When we talked about it, he said it’s what he wants to do.

RRS: Is he a player you can see making an impact at the next level?

BB: You better believe it. When you walk into the room, if you had to have one pick, he’d be the one. If you’re picking teams and you get the first pick, he’s the one. I’m telling you who you’re taking. He wasn’t our main ball carrier. We had another guy that ran the ball and ran for 1700 yards. But he’s a load when he’s running. He was the lead blocker for him and he played a lot of defense. We tried to get it to where he didn’t carry the ball as much. We lost him the last three and a half ball games due to an injury and we lost two out of the three. I don’t think we would’ve lost them if he had been playing. We lost them by five points and seven points and I believe that if he’s playing then we’d win those games. Especially defensively. When I see other guys from schools I’ve coached against and play linebacker at Big 12 schools, can I see where someone would want him? Definitely. In our first round playoff game and I don’t know what he ran for, but he ran it good and he’s hard to tackle. They’re not looking at him as a running back, but he plays some running back for us. He’s a force on defense. He had started for them as a younger player and I think he was always bigger than everybody. Even when he was bigger than all the kids. A lot of times kids like that quit growing and he just hasn’t. I ran him hard today and he was right there. When I want the fastest ones up there, he’s competing every time. He’s done absolutely everything I’ve asked him to do.

Where does Clark stand?

It’s been mentioned above of all the activities the coaches put on for the recruits during Saturday, on junior day. But what impressed offensive lineman Kyle Clark the most took place the day after the scheduled festivities.

“On Sunday, I called coach Mainord and the recruiting coordinator and I don’t even think they were going to work. But they came up there just to show me the apartments the players live in.

“That was really nice for them to come up there and show me around. I had a great time this weekend, I'm really glad I came. I think it is the 7th weekend in a row I've either gone to a college or a Rivals camp. I'm exhausted.”

Clark said that his first visit last November, during the A&M game, helped him prepare for what to expect out of his junior day.

“I already talked to the strength coaches during the season and I liked their work ethic and how they work. I just loved the atmosphere and the coaches and everyone loved it.”

But the basketball game on Saturday afternoon against the Longhorns was entirely different experience.

“It showed me how crazy the fans are. We parked in the grass lot by the fields. My dad grew up in a small town and he raised me in the small town and I liked everyone hanging out in the jacked up trucks and throwing the football and the whole West Texas atmosphere. Everyone is so friendly.

“I now know that the Red Raider fan base is huge and committed.”

The Red Raiders offered Clark last Saturday and many thought that he might be the first commitment of the 2009 class. But after visiting Kansas and Oklahoma State already as well, Clark is still not ready to pull the trigger.

“I've already said before, I have a connection with Bill Bedenbaugh at Arizona and they’ve offered me. I really want to go to Arizona before I commit anywhere. Tech is my number one choice but I gave Arizona my word.

“Coach Kegans was coached by him and that's how I got that connection. I’ve talked to him several times.

“I just want to get everything straight and talk to my parents and make sure it is the right choice and make sure it's what I want to do before I commit. But I'm trying to get it out of the way before senior year so I'll commit before this school year.”

Though Clark seems determined to visit elsewhere right now, he says that it was very hard not to commit to the Red Raiders on the spot when he got the offer from his “dream school”.

“It was real hard. When I got the offer, I was dumbfounded how hard it was not to jump up and down and say ‘yes!’”

With offers from New Mexico State ,Tulsa, Arizona, and Tech, Clark says his parents favor the Red Raiders as well.

“They were just excited for me and happy that I got it because we’ve been talking about it for a couple of months and during the off-season. They think it’s a lot closer than Arizona and my mom is happier about that. When we went to Tech for the A&M game, my mom fell in love with the coaches and they were up front and they had quick answers and they were honest.”

So, where does Clark stand?

“Basically, it's Tech and Arizona. Right now it's Tech and Arizona. At Arizona, I'd be playing four years there because they're losing 10 offensive linemen in two years. So I'd be starting as a redshirt freshman.”

Is that the biggest difference in Clark’s eyes?

“Yeah, that’s the biggest thing, just playing time. I would graduate high school and sit out a year and the next year my parents could watch me play against USC, that'd be pretty cool. I've also heard real good things about Coach Bill and the kind of person he is.”

We’ll wait and see if Clark does actually go visit Arizona in April. If he doesn’t, expect a commitment to Tech before then.

Brent Likes Four

Last week when we spoke to Kevin Brent, he indicated that four teams stand out to him at this point: Oklahoma, LSU, Texas Tech, and Texas. Brent gave us his thoughts on each school.

Oklahoma: “I don’t know what to say, I’ve just kinda liked ‘em ever since I was little.”

Texas Tech: “I really like their coaching staff. They have a great staff and they’ve really shown interest in me.”

LSU: “I like their school because it’s a defensive school.”

Texas: “I like their campus.”

Brent has already visited Texas and says he plans to visit the other three over the course of the spring and summer. Also, though Tech’s depth chart might be a positive for most safeties, it might not necessarily be for Brent. He says early playing time isn’t one of his higher priorities.

Q&A: Chris Gilbert, Brent’s head coach:

RRS: How is Kevin Brent’s recruiting going so far?

CG: I’m kind of flooded with Kevin Brent stuff. He’s pretty highly recruited right now. A lot of people like him. First of all, he’s an outstanding kid. He’s a very coachable kid and has a great personality. He’s quiet, but he’s very coachable and I think that’s the biggest thing about him is that wherever you put him, he’s the best one. If you put him at safety, he could be the best one. Or at linebacker, or tailback. He’s about 6-foot even and about 205-pounds. He has a 4.4 forty. He hits everything. He’s the kind of tackler that when he hits you, you stop right there in your tracks. He’s really strong and has a great nose for the football. The thing that’s best about him is that he has great run support and he can also cover really well. He is definitely a big division-one kid.

RRS: What advice have you given to Brent about his recruiting?

CG: Everybody that’s recruiting him, they’re all really good schools. What I told him is to see what you feel like is a good fit for you. I told him to make sure his family was happy was with his decision and to give his family an opportunity to watch him play. That’s the only advice I gave him. His mom really wants him to make a decision that he’s comfortable with. Though we’re not in the business of really forcing or making him go to one place or another. He is a pretty headstrong kid and will make a good decision of where he wants to go. I’d like for him to stay close so I can watch him play. (Laughing) But that’s my own reasons and I’d be happy with the decision he makes. Early on, all the schools in the Big 12 are definitely the schools that he likes and the folks he has official offers from.

RRS: What about Texas Tech?

CG: I know that Tech was the first school to offer Kevin and that stuck with him and that’s the reason why he definitely listens to what they have to say. Coach Mitchell is the recruiter from Tech and he’s done a good job in giving Kevin some information and things like that about the school.

Williams a UT lean?

When we spoke to Abilene standout linebacker Chris Williams recently, we asked him if he was leaning to any school in particular. His response?

“No sir, I’m not,” he explained. “I’m keeping my options open and trying to find the best spot for me.”

So what about the Texas Longhorns?

“I am definitely not a UT lean,” he stated. “As far as I’m concerned, they haven’t even offered yet, so they’re not really on my list. Right now, I can only go off teams that have offered me, so that would make my top teams OU, LSU, and Tech right now.”

Q&A: Brandon Webb

Oklahoma OL Brandon Webb answered a few of our questions recently.

RRS: How did Junior Day go?

BW: It went great man, we had a great time. We toured the facilities, met the coaches, went to the basketball game, everything. That crowd at that game was crazy man. That was a real intense crowd.

RRS: Did you drive right back or did you all stay the night?

BW: We stayed Saturday night. After the game, my dad asked them where to eat and they told us about this steak place called Cagel’s. They said it was good and they weren’t lying. It was really great food, so we were all pretty happy about that.

RRS: What did you think of the coaches?

BW: I talked to Coach Leach, he’s a really funny guy and he’s real laid back, which is tight. Mainly I was around Coach Littrell and Coach Moore, who are both real cool, and they showed my dad and I a lot of attention.

RRS: How about Lubbock, what did you think of the town itself?

BW: I didn’t think it would be that much. I mean, hearing everyone talk about it, I just wasn’t expecting much. But then after I got there I was like, “Man, Lubbock is tight.’ I thought it was just the school and nothing else, but it was tight. It wasn’t even that small at all, actually. It’s a real laid back place and I like that.

RRS: So how does Tech look after this weekend?

BW: They are really high with me right now, I like ‘em. I don’t have a top five or anything like that, but I’m going to keep my options open and look at everyone, including Texas Tech.

Hoops: Juco Recruiting Ongoing

We've mentioned several times before that it doesn't appear Texas Tech is done recruiting for their current class in basketball.
Right now you have three signees already in the fold with guard Tyree Graham, forward Corbin Ray and center Robert Lewandowski. Add to that junior college guard Nick Okorie from South Plains who will ink in the late period.

But, someone from the junior college ranks with some size or possibly even another guard if the right fit is there appears to be on the radar still.

After Saturday's loss to Baylor head coach Pat Knight and assistant coach Chris Beard didn't waste anytime looking at film of their game, instead they headed for Kansas to watch a junior college tournament.

Knight and Beard watched the Jayhawk Community College Conference teams play in the NJCAA Region VI Division I Tournament at Wichita State's Koch Arena that evening and again yesterday before returning home this morning in time for this afternoon's practice.

Who they were looking at up in Kansas is anyone's guess but as we've mentioned recruiting doesn't appear to be over with for this current class.

I know some will wonder aloud where the available scholarships will come from but from what we're hearing it doesn't appear as though forward Roderick Craig nor forward Ricardo De Bem will be back next year. If either player opts to leave for whatever reason then those spots would obviously be available. The staff may already know this which is why are they actively recruiting others to sign during the late period.
Is Craig and De Bem leaving a certainty? No, not at all but it has been rumored so we're speculating on where the extra scholarships might become available if there is another addition to this class.

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