Prayer Request

I know we have several on here that believe in the power of prayer. I could really use some for a close friend of mine. He had a mass discovered on a kidney recently and after a visit to MD Anderson he found out it’s stage 4 renal cancer and they discovered another tumor on a vertebrae. Starting chemo immediately to try and shrink the tumor so they can perform surgery and doing scans to check for other tumors. He’s got a wife and young stepdaughter. His name is Mike. Please say a prayer for him, his family, and his doctors. He has a good relationship with Jesus Christ and even with this tough news has a good attitude and faith that God can work miracles. Thank you and God bless.

UPDATE 5/21:

I just got an update from my buddy today with great news and I wanted to share since so many of you were kind enough to send prayers his way.

He went back to MD Anderson last week and his latest CT scan showed that all the tumors appear to be necrotic or just dead tissue at this point.

Thanks again to those that took the time to say a prayer and please continue to keep him in your prayers if you're so inclined. God is GOOD!

OT: 4th Annual Putts FORE! Mutts

Hey everyone! Our 4th annual charity golf tournament, benefiting my dog rescue, DFW Furgotten Friends, and two other amazing rescues, is coming up this year on May 11th. Registration is now open for both participants and sponsors!

This year we will be playing at Indian Creek Golf Club on the Creeks Course, with a 1:30 tee time. We have a bunch of fun on-course activities planned (golf ball launcher anyone?), and lots of good food, and adult beverages!

We are really trying to make this our best year yet, and need your help with sponsorships. We are trying to fulfill about $20,000 in sponsorship money, that will net us around $25-$30k in funds! We already have a couple of RRS members, @Daddyrusses and @mxraider sponsoring, so please, if you can get signed up.

Hope to see you all there!

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